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Monday 2 June 2014

History is my favorite subject. Here are some world war 2 facts:

  • The first German serviceman killed in the war was killed by the Japanese (China, 1937)
  • The first American serviceman killed was killed by the Russians (Finland 1940).
  • 80% of Soviet males born in 1923 didn't survive World War 2.
  •  40,000 men served on U-Boats during World War 2; 30,000 never returned.
  •  Germany lost 40-45% of their aircraft during World War 2 to accidents  
  • The US Army had more ships that the US Navy.
Obesity is a major issue among youth across the world. Recently I saw a program Olli Belly in Vijay T.V. I was really affected by it. Here is something about obesity. Obesity has been on the rise in these modern times. The number of overweight people as well as obese people seems to have increased from the survey that was conducted back in the year 2002. This issue is attributed to the nature of most jobs and the food pattern. Unhealthy food habits along with less dedication to workouts have resulted in this obesity problem.

 Follow a healthy eating plan. Make healthy food choices, keep your calorie needs and your family's calorie needs in mind, and focus on the balance of energy IN and energy OUT.
Keep track of your weight, body mass index, and waist circumference. Also, keep track of your children's growth.
Be active. Make personal and family time active

Sunday 1 June 2014

Greek Mythology is very interesting . Here are the Greek gods. Know about them. 
1. God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, justice.Brother of Poseidon and Hades. - Zeus.

 2. Hera- Queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and family

3. Poseidon- God of the seas, earthquakes, and tidal wave

4. Goddess of fertility, agriculture, nature, and the seasons. Symbols include the poppy, wheat, torch, and pig. Middle daughter of Cronus and Rhea.
5. Goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, defense, and strategic warfare. Symbols include the owl and the olive tree. Daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Metis, she rose from her father's head fully grown and in full battle armor after he swallowed her mother.

6.Apollo- God of light, knowledge, healing, plague and darkness, the arts, music, poetry, prophecy, archery, the sun, manly youth, and beauty.

7. Artemis- Goddess of the hunt, virginity, childbirth, archery, the moon, and all animals


8. Aphrodite- Goddess of love, beauty, and desire.


9. Hephaestus -Master blacksmith and craftsman of the gods; god of fire and the forge.


10.Hermes- Messenger of the gods; god of commerce, thieves, and games


11Hestia-goddess of the hearth.Eldest god.

12. Dionysus: God of wine, celebrations, and ecstasy. Patron god of the art of theater.

Now recently I read percy Jackson book. Wow nice it is ,.

Earth is a wonderful planet. We humans have made it ugly. That is too bad. We should do something to protect our earth. One of the most important problem we face is Global Warming. To reduce it we should follow some measures:

Drive Less. Use eco friendly vehicles.


Reduce reuse and Recycle!

Plant trees every week. You could really make a change 

Please Please donot use plastic.


Trees are your friends

Animals are your neighbours

Earth is your mother

Take care !

Go Green!